Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis arthropica in view of current data on pathogenesis and clinical course pattern of dermatosisO.O. Syzon1, V.I. Stepanenko21 Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University |
Keywords: psoriasis arthropica, comorbid diseases, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 The clinical and pathogenetic role of epidermal growth factor in psoriasisYa.F. Kutasevych, I.O. Oliinyk, E.M. Soloshenko, O.A. GavrylyukSІ «Institute of Dermatology and Venereology of NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv |
Keywords: psoriasis, keratinocytes, epidermal growth factor, articular syndrome, severe forms of psoriasis.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Incidence among servicemen of the Armed forces of Ukraine of skin and subcutaneous tissue diseasesV.I. KucherUkrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv |
Keywords: diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, morbidity, military servicemen, Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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Keywords: psoriasic condition, ionic exchange, bioenergetic homeostasis.
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Keywords: reticular varicose veins, telangiectasia, venous reflux, sclerotherapy.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Influence of rosuvastatin prepatations and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on clinical and laboratory parameters of psoriasis with metabolic syndromeN.G. Virstyuk1, M.M. Nykyforuk2, R.F. Nykyforuk21 SHEI «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University» |
Keywords: psoriasis, metabolic syndrome, rosuvastatin, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
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Keywords: psoriasis, IFN-g, IL-20, IL-22, systemic immunosuppressive therapy.
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Keywords: mycosis fungoides, early stage, immunohistochemistry, the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ lymphocytes.
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Keywords: corticosteroid therapy, side effects, toxic doses, treatment, prophylaxis, metformin, calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 At the intersection of dermatology and nephrology: focus on patients with psoriasisL.V. KonovalenkoCity Dermatovenerologic Dispensary N 4, Kyiv |
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, skin manifestations, renal failure, risk, psoriasis, screening, dermatology, nephrology.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 New treatment options for patients with lichen planusI.V. Kadygrob1, 2, N.V. Hitrina1, N.V. Gutsu11 Kharkiv City Dermatology and Venereology Dispensary № 1 |
Keywords: lichen planus, «Clobeskine», efficiency, safety.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Features of therapy of resistant trichomoniasis infectionG.M. Bondarenko, I.M. Nikitenko, I.V. ShcherbakovaSІ «Institute of Dermatology and Venereology of NAMS Ukraine», Kharkiv |
Keywords: trichomoniasis, resistance, treatment, ornidazole.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Teobonditiomikocide — modern high-efficiency antimicoticV.I. Stepanenko1, L.M. Shkaraputa2, L.V. Sologub1, L.O. Tyshchenko2, |
Keywords: antimycotic drug «Teobonditiomikocide», toxicological and clinical studies, the efficiency, safety, verification of commercial batches.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Psoriasis: rare clinical form and diagnostic mistakesV.E. Tkach1, M.S. Voloshynovych1, I.I. Kuzenko2, A.D. Muhammad11 SHEI «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University» |
Keywords: psoriasis, rare clinical form, diagnostic mistakes.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Analysis of epidemiological situation of syphilis in the European Union and the United States as background of the public administration of socially dangerous infectionsV.V. KorolenkoNational Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv |
Keywords: public health, dermatovenereology, European Union, United States, STIs, syphilis.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 Pharmacological substantiation of carboxytherapy in dermatologyS.M. Drogovoz, S.Yu. Shtrygol, L.B. Ivantsyk, A.V. Kononenko, N.V. GryshchenkoNational University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv |
Keywords: carboxytherapy, neoangiogeneses, hypercapnia, stimulation of fibroblasts.
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Notice: Undefined index: pict in /home/vitapol/ujdvc.vitapol.com.ua/en/svizhij_nomer.php on line 76 The tools used for teaching dermatology throughout historyC. DiehlUniversitá Degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy |
Keywords: Dermatology, teaching, textbook, atlas, moulage, photographs, internet, teledermatology.
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